Friday, October 18, 2024
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Bôba Mènde :Docutopia On The Way To Become A Film And An Eco-social, Interactive Sculpture

We recently had the privilege of interviewing Bôba Mènde, who has been working as an independent filmmaker and professional artist since 2001 in various fields of the Arts.

Bôba’s passionate project, Docutopia, is an eco-social, interactive sculpture, a map application platform, which develops into an open-source, super-app with multiple layers and solutions to solve as many SDGs as possible together with artists and other “eco heroes.” In this insightful session, Bôba Mènde shares his insights on Docutopia and how it will be a revolutionary leader in this field.

The Advent Of Docutopia

We started the interview by asking, “When did the interactive, eco-social sculpture ‘docutopia’ start as a collaborative piece of art?”

Bôba shared, “Docutopia started with an open–source, self–editable, digital map in 2016. It invited people around the whole world to play an initial part in making artistic, multicultural, social, and ecological locations visible to everybody. With markers for specific places, followed by events and individual profiles within the second version of 2021, docutopia’s cartography developed into a new stage of interconnectivity. Its current 2.1 release from May 2024 as a beta-test version gives a glimpse into the next quantum level of what is known as the internet and metaverse of things right now.

 AI technology enables users to insert, search, and find hashtag matches on an interactive map. This revolutionary approach allows direct communication and response between prosumers, transforming the way people connect and find individuals with specific needs in docutopia’s multiverse.

 A necessity-based approach to addressing SDGs and personal obstacles by using artwork as a tool for reconnecting with nature and promoting social, ecological, multicultural, and artistic collaboration. Docutopia enables integration of multidisciplinary research and co-creations in various forms.”

The Evolution Of The Sculpture

To learn more about the sculpture from Bôba Mènde we asked, “Is the sculpture, the multiverse platform, or website currently working or existing?”

He shared, “The first and second versions of its prototype have been online for a couple of years. It consists of basic functions so far and will develop into a multi-layered multiverse platform such as sculpture and website in the future. Therefore it is planned, as mentioned within the documentation, to co-create the next versions together with a global group of co-creators and developers into a multi-tool with so-called ‘eco-quests’ of its prosumers and artists, the ‘eco heroes’.

 Using AI technology, we are starting with the metaverse and extending into the multiverse. We are transforming the web application approach to a needs and offers-based finding engine on Docutopia’s map with multiple layers. One crucial layer will display waterways and invite users to mark the quality, quantity, and location of drinkable water. Similar layers will be created for various aspects of the environment, including plants, animals, and biodiversity.”

 “Additionally, real-time documentation will be available for homeless populations, food supply, energy, air quality, and cultural events, among others. Political map layers will function on the ‘#wikelecta’ sub-platform of docutopia to provide possibilities to engage as the eco-hero as well within the redistribution of governmental tax money and for partaking in decision-making within the region and nation.

 Being able with layers of the map to achieve a people’s proofed public policy tool as an organic and realistic strategy to consensual self-governance and sovereignty of regions and nations through people’s engagement directly seems for me to be conventional, needed and contemporary too.” Bôba added.

Matching Users Requirements

We were curious to learn more about the operating methods of Docutopia. So, we asked Bôba Mènde, “How is it to be operated, that is, how does the public engage with it? Is there a subscription method?”

He shared, “As far as the next version is on the horizon, there will be an NFT IDI for each eco-hero as a subscription method to be recognized individually. Those will be proofed and certified by five other registered males and 5 other registered females.

 In its long-term perspective, Docutopia provides opportunities for eco heroes to be even awarded for their mapping and eco-social and political engagements besides receiving finally as well an unconditional basic income co-created by its prosumers themselves. When the needs and offers of each individual are matched via hashtags in Docutopia’s next version 2.1., we will be able to revolutionize the internet together as one human race.”

Updates On Bôba Mènde’s Project

We further asked, “Will there be new content to be uploaded to the website? And if so, how often?”

Bôba replied, “Yes, this largely depends on the co-creators and co-developers shortly. How often the content of the website will be enhanced, updated, translated, and diversified is in the hands of everyone from the swarm self-support group which is currently developing within some groups in telegram and welcomes everybody to join the pacifistic journey into the 3rd millennium.”

More On Docutopia

We were intrigued to learn more about the project. So, we inquired, “What are the details about doc-utopia?”

Bôba said, “Docutopia will develop into a super-app with eco heroes as prosumers. Its vision is to invite people to go on from the virtual metaverse into the real multiverse, back on the ground of Mother Earth, to its springs, rivers, forest, seas, even into inner cities and so on, to take care of it, map it, share knowledge about it and organize together for everyone’s benefit.

 This innovative startup enables eco-heroes to collaborate in real-time, both digitally and in reality. They can engage in activities such as planting trees, coordinating urban gardens, running social kitchens and free schools, organizing repair cafes and cultural events, and creating and trading products.

The startup also integrates with various existing networks like calendars, messaging services, streaming platforms, social media, career networks, petition platforms, crowdfunding sites, radio stations, and green maps for urban gardens and biodiversity. It also considers the changing needs and offers of businesses, companies, governments, and individuals regarding energy supply and sustainability.”

Plans For The Project

To get a glimpse of the upcoming developments of Bôba Mènde, we asked, “Where is Docutopia heading?”He responded, “Docutopia’s gamification part will generate a surplus for all, as DOins (e-minutos) are minted directly from human to human for services and products. One of the solutions doc-utopia opens up is an autonomous, self-created, eco-social governance through the birthright to land, water, and clean air, free housing and healthcare, support for single parents, children, elderly, weak, ill, disabled, orphans, refugees, homeless, job seekers, students, musicians, artists, etc. with the help of a UBI+ as individual swarm support fund.

 Docutopia’s future versions will seek to involve public institutions in addressing environmental issues and benefiting the people. We are planning to introduce self-created, interactive, real-time map layers and NFT-IDI born certificates to enable public participation.”

 Additionally, we aim to create a Universal Basic Income (UBI) through the use of DOins, which will act as a microstock exchange tool and equalize various currencies. Inspired by the concept of the edible city, we are also planning to incorporate a drinkable city map layer to ensure access to clean water sources.

 Public involvement will be facilitated through the consensus tool #wikelecta, allowing for transparent co-creation of laws and policies through people-proofed polls. A couple of other potential partners are Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap, transformap, umap, telegram, Facebook, GitHub, Reddit, couch surfing, car sharing, LinkedIn, neighbors, and many more.

 My work will advance systemic change by offering opportunities for real people around the planet, including Indigenous natives, artists, developers, financiers, patrons, galleries, museums, collectors, curators, and especially young people with a long-term perspective to join a trustworthy seed.” Bôba concluded.

Follow Bôba Mènde on LinkedIn.

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Friday, October 18, 2024

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