Saturday, September 7, 2024
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Customized Home Getaway Bubbles With Limitless Bubbles: Hashem Khair

We recently had the opportunity to interview Hashem Khair, an adept industry leader and Founder and General Manager at Limitless Bubbles. With a solid grasp of Digital Marketing, Hashem Khair is a dedicated and innovative business marketer of the present times. 

As the Founder of Limitless Bubbles, Hashem Khair is developing new ideas and concepts through his product line and offering unique experiences to the customers. In this insightful interview, Hashem Khair shares his professional journey, hurdles and triumphs, retaining top talents, and the role of AI while offering his vision on balancing between trends and success. 

A Glimpse Of Hashem’s Journey 

We started the interview by asking, “Can you tell us about your professional journey and what led you to your current role?” 

hashem khair

Hashem responds, “My journey started as a daydreaming thought in my backyard in Amman, Jordan. At the time, our planet was hit by Covid 19, and I loved connecting with the outdoors, which led me to think outside the box by creating limitless experiences inside a bubble. We built a model inspired by my garden. We started social media accounts to promote Home Getaway Bubbles, where the feedback was compelling enough and encouraged us to deliver a unique experience for our dear customers.” 

Prioritizing Customer Satisfaction 

It is paramount to offer unique services and products to stand apart from the competition and maintain a strong brand presence. So, we asked, “What sets your business apart from competitors in the industry?” 

hashem khair

He passionately asserts, “We create Premium Quality Outdoors Coverage with efficient and effective features ensuring top customer satisfaction. We also deliver Local Handmade Garden Bubbles built with care and easily installed. Furthermore, it is expanding to our latest modern summer collection inspired by nature. Eco consciousness is also one of our main priorities where we build around nature, not on nature.” 

Worth-Sharing Achievements

Every business faces ups and downs during the operational path. We asked, “What has been your business’s biggest achievement?”

We left our print in the Jordanian market in both commercial and residential sectors. Here, we evolved, progressing new ideas and concepts that grow through our product line.” He replied. 

Collaborative Approach 

We were curious to learn how Hashem Khair led his team and the approaches he adopted to execute. So, we asked, “How would you describe your leadership style?” 

Hashem replied, “I follow a visionary leadership backed by a shared effort by our hardworking team.” 

Attracting Top Talents 

Having the right talent and cooperation among the team are equally essential factors for business success. We asked Hashem Khair, “What strategies do you use to motivate and develop talent in your organization?” 

Consistent appreciation and support are essential in our workspace, building a family-like atmosphere between our team members, which brings out their full potential.” He replied. 

Future With AI 

AI is capturing a pivotal position in business operations regardless of the industry. To learn more about the perspective of Hashem Khair on this aspect, we asked, “What role do you see artificial intelligence or technology playing in this industry?” 

Hashem replied, “Technology has brought us closer together, where we and our clients can connect and communicate easier. We will continue exploring future technologies and implement them in our strategy.” 

We further asked, “How do you envision the future of your industry?” 

He continued, “The industry has a huge potential for expanding and developing innovative ideas. That encourages us to stay up to date.”

Acing The Hurdles 

Challenges are an inevitable part of any business journey. So, we asked, “What have been some of the most significant hurdles you’ve encountered in your business, and how did you address them?” 

Hashem shared, “After 8 months of persistence and determination, we landed our first deal. Using a stubborn vision and believing in your ideas can make the impossible possible.” 

Words Of Wisdom 

We were curious to learn about business advice that Hashem Khair finds intriguing and worth sharing. So, we asked, “What is an excellent piece of business advice you have ever received?” 

He replied, “Master one thing and move to the next; don’t jump on too many things all at once.” 

Ensuring A Creative Flow 

We ended the interview by asking Hashem Khair, “How do you balance investing in up-to-date ideas with ensuring ongoing operations remain successful?” 

Hashem concluded, “We insist on presenting top innovative and updated ideas that are doable and parallel to our vision and mission. Where they can meet, resulting in a smooth and creative flow.” 

Follow Hashem Khair on LinkedIn

Find Limitless Bubbles on Instagram.

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Saturday, September 7, 2024

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